It is not enough to fight. It is the spirit which we bring to the fight that decides the issue.
4 Reasons To Choose Our Law Office
Stalled Serious
Injury Case
We specialize in reviving and closing stalled workers’ comp cases on your behalf.
We work hard to get you the proper medical care and full benefits you deserve.
Dedicated Courtroom
Warriors You Can Trust
Located in Rancho Mirage, English Lloyd & Armenta has been serving the Coachella Valley for more than 30 years. We represent workers who have been injured on the job and need help obtaining workers’ compensation benefits and those who have been wrongfully denied overtime.
Pursuing Justice | Proven Results
Personal Injury & Work Comp – VR v. JC, DDP – The injured worker suffered third degree burns on his torso and legs and underwent lumbar surgery. He was injured when he was testing an underground pool heater …
Work Comp – JA v. Kroger Food 4 Less – While lifting a box our client felt a sharp pain in his neck. The MRI revealed cord compression and our client should have been afforded immediate decompression surgery …
Personal Injury & Work Comp – TC v WalGreen – Work Comp – Prior counsel recommended $80,000.00 to settle the matter. However, much to his credit prior counsel realized the case was complex given a poor surgical …
Work Comp – GC v. BP Co. – Our client, a journeyman plumber, suffered a cumulative injury over the years to his neck culminating in fusion surgery. His prior lawyer recommended a settlement of $165,000.00 …
California Wage and Hour Statute of Limitations (2025)
You might have important questions about the California wage and hour statute of limitations. In California, the deadline to file a claim typically depends on the type of claim you file. Most wage and hour violations have a three-year statute of limitations for filing claims such as unpaid overtime, wage issues, violations of minimum wage, or meal and rest break issues. When Should I File a Claim for a Wage and Hour Violation? In California, the deadline to file a claim depends on the specific type of claim and the employment contract involved in the violation. For most violations of an employee’s wage and hour rights, the statute of limitations to bring a claim is three years from the date of
Risks That Hospital Workers Face on The Job in California
There are many risks that hospital workers face on the job in California. Day in and day out, hospital workers operate at high stress levels in an environment that subjects them to hazards such as patient violence, chemical hazards, and many others. It is no surprise that these healthcare workers often experience injuries and damages of their own. Continue reading to learn more about what some of these injuries can be. Workplace Violence One of the more prominent ways in which hospital workers are at risk in the workplace is because of workplace violence. This can take place in many forms. Patients can sometimes be hostile for a variety of reasons, including: Histories of violence. Some patients are in the
What California Workers’ Comp Lawyers Won’t Tell You (But We Will)
Each state has its own specific workers’ comp laws, all of which can be complex and confusing. While some workers’ comp lawyers simply tell you what you want to hear, the truth is that there are many variables that can impact the outcome of a workers’ comp case. Our legal team can help you address some of the more difficult aspects of workers’ comp laws and cases, as well as what workers’ comp lawyers won’t tell you. What Workers’ Comp Covers There are specific rules pertaining to what types of injuries workers’ compensation covers. One example of an injury that is covered is a one-event injury. This is something that happens one time that causes damage, such as a slip