Back injuries can feel all-consuming. They can cause us serious discomfort, detrimental pain, and even irreparable damage to our bodies if they are not properly diagnosed and treated. Depending on the injury in question, you may be dealing with a permanent condition. You might be wondering, “Is a back injury a permanent disability?” You may want to consult with a Cathedral City back injury lawyer to know more about what is considered a permanent disability.
Are Back Injuries Permanent Disabilities?
There are millions of people in the United States who are dealing with a permanent physical or mental disability of some kind. A permanent disability is a condition that results in lifelong medical effects, impedes your ability to maintain gainful employment, and/or allows you to receive disability benefits. Not every permanent disability uproots your life. Sometimes, it is just a condition that you need to learn how to deal with, but it still allows you to maintain your life with minimal changes.
Not all back injuries are considered permanent disabilities but depending on the severity of your condition and whether it was properly treated, it may have developed into a permanent disability. It all depends on your particular condition, the amount of treatment you received for it, and whether your body responded to that treatment. Various risk factors increase the chances of developing chronic back pain, such as:
- Advanced Age: The older you are, the higher the chance that you will develop some form of back pain. Lower back pain typically starts to develop between the ages of 30 and 50 years old, depending on your lifestyle and family medical history. It can evolve into a permanent disability if you do not start to treat it.
- Increase in Weight Gain: Back pain greatly affects people who are overweight. The heavier you are, the bigger the strain that your weight puts on your organs, muscles, and bones, particularly your spine. If you are noticing an increase in back pain, you may want to make some significant lifestyle changes, or it could get worse.
- Lack of Fitness: Back pain tends to affect people who do not maintain a physically active lifestyle. Weaker muscles may not be able to support the spine as effectively as they would if they were stronger. Maintaining an active lifestyle, even minimally, could have a great effect on your back pain and stop it from developing into a chronic disability.
- Genetics: Your family’s genetics can have an instrumental part in developing back pain. If you have a history of certain medical conditions, such as heart disease, high blood pressure, arthritis, or scoliosis, it could lead directly to chronic back pain, which could turn into a permanent disability. There may be ways to fight these conditions, and you should speak to your doctor about them.
- Stress and Anxiety: Not every form of back pain is a physical ailment. Sometimes, it can be almost entirely psychological. Stress, anxiety, and depression are very real conditions that can cause a physical change in the way we present ourselves. Stress can especially be a leading cause of muscle tension, which can result in serious back pain. Try and relax yourself. Consult your doctor about ways to reduce your stress level and manage your anxiety.
Q: Are Back Injuries Permanent?
A: Some back injuries can be permanent, though many are not. Whether your injury becomes a permanent affliction is dependent entirely on a number of factors, including:
- The exact nature of your injury
- The way in which it was treated
- How quickly it was diagnosed
- Whether it is a physical or psychological ailment
The lone exception is the severing of the spinal cord, which is always permanent and completely incurable.
Q: Can a Back Injury Get Worse Over Time?
A: Yes, a back injury can definitely get worse over time. If you simply try to ignore the pain and hope it goes away, there is a good chance that your back injury will get worse. Like any illness or injury, a back injury needs to be properly treated for it to heal correctly. If it heals wrong, it could cause additional problems or even return randomly as a chronic condition. If it gets worse, see a doctor.
Q: What Type of Back Pain Qualifies for Disability?
A: The type of back pain that qualifies for disability is any kind of back pain that is considered a chronic condition. This would mean spinal injuries, severe fractures, arthritis, or some other form of spinal condition that is impeding your ability to maintain gainful employment and negatively affecting your quality of life. If you are unsure of whether your condition qualifies for disability, you should speak to your doctor or a disability lawyer.
Q: What Are the Two Most Common Back Injuries?
A: Back injuries happen every day, and there are many common forms that those injuries take. Two of the most common ones that occur are basic sprains and strains, which happen when you overextend a muscle or tear open a ligament, and herniated discs, which happen when a spinal disc slips out of alignment in your spinal vertebrae. Both of these conditions are often quite painful and can lead to chronic disability if they are left untreated.
Contact a Back Injury Lawyer Today
Back injuries can be quite painful and result in chronic, lifelong disabilities if left untreated or undiagnosed. It is important to locate the source of your back pain and do something to handle it before the condition worsens to the point that it can no longer be handled. Some back injuries can result in permanent disability. You may want to consult with an experienced back injury lawyer to learn if you are able to seek compensation for your injuries.
At English Lloyd & Armenta, we understand your pain and are prepared to help you get financial compensation for it. If your back injury was the result of someone else’s negligence or a workplace accident of some kind, we can help you build your case and work to hold the negligent party accountable. Contact us today to schedule a consultation.